Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep watching your back

From Seko:
While at Sean & Carol's reception, Carol's sister Joy toasted to Carol saying "She backs me up, and cracks me up." I'd have to say the same about Carol's friend Nkem and sister Joy. Nkem is a lawyer who has been cool with Carol for years. Nkem was our back-up during this trip. When we needed a ride, Nkem was there. When we needed support, Nkem was there. When we needed a laugh, Joy was there. When problems arose Joy was able to make light of the situation (See photo of Joy). It's intresting how the creator places the right people in your life at the right time. I give thanks to Nkem and Joy for being themselves. I give thanks for meeting them.
Lady London cracks me up. Riding the train in Lady London cracked me up. The phrase "Mind The Gap" would have avery different meaning in the States. I fell out laughing everytime the lady on the train would say "Mind The Gap". The Londoners cracked up everytime I stepped into the street looking the wrong way.
In the U.K. the left side is the passenger side. Subsequently the flow of traffic on the streets is different from the USA. So for the first four days my slow-learning tail almost became road kill. Wifey amost jerked my arm out of the socket keeping me alive and the Brits ain't caring. Get out of the way Yankee! Whats crazy is that the streets tell you which way to look since Lady London is such a multi-cultural melting pot. I'm also tripping on Brit T.V. which shows full nudity (female & tha' other) and even what I'd consider soft core on a national platform. It's after 11 p.m. and Sharon Osbourne is cussing up a storm and I just watched a show that showed a bloke placing two mouse traps on his life-maker. These folks are cracking me up. I must say............these are classic Brits. The immigrants here are very different than the original Brits. The immigants have backed me up. Quick- tell ya partner to keep watching your back.

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